
Carolyn Kitsock: 2015 Dr. Jill E Hungerford Scholarship Winner Carolyn Kitsock from Manheim Township High School

My membership on the Girls Tennis Team, which began two weeks before freshman year, helped me feel at home as I headed into an unfamiliar environment… High School. Prior to my first day of classes, my team wiped away my worries, offering help with any troubles I might come across. My teammates served as role models both on and off the court. They all were conscientious students and involved in various activities. They encouraged me to do the same. This sisterly support was not instantly cut off at the season’s conclusion. The bonds have continued throughout high school.
As seasons went by, the girls cycled through. I found that my role was transforming. I was a middle child my sophomore and junior year, responsible for setting an example for younger teammates, yet still learning from the older teammates. Then finally, I became a big sister, setting the tone for the team as a captain my senior year. It was motivating knowing that my teammates were, and still are, looking up to me. This close connection with the girls on my team has closer connected me to my high school. Being on the tennis team has tremendously enriched my High School experience.

[divider] Being a member of my tennis team has taught me that sometimes you are put in positions in life that are undesired. As a freshman, I was in an undesired position as number twenty-one on the team. I did not give up hope but took the position with a positive attitude, playing as much as I could to improve my game. I learned that you are not defined by your position; your attitude is what defines you. Attitude can create or destroy opportunities in life.
I owe my spot as number nine, my sophomore year, to my positive attitude and drive to improve my game after that undesirable position freshman year. I stayed positive, working to better my position. Junior year, my positive outlook paid off; I played number three on the team. All this hard work only to move down to number six on the team senior year. But I learned my spot was no less important in contributing to the team’s success and took on my role as third doubles with a positive attitude. Every position contributes to a bigger picture. You must approach your position, desirable or undesirable, with a positive attitude. I know that staying positive no matter the circumstances will assist me in future endeavors.

[divider] My goal during my post-secondary education is to not only earn a degree but to prepare myself for the future. I plan to approach college as a discovery and exploration of myself to determine who I am. I may not know what I want to pursue but I want to pursue it with passion. I believe it is vital to have a love for what I do, which is why I plan on going into college undecided. I hope I will find guidance in college as to what I want to do with my life, while learning skills that will be an asset to my future.
I believe that a college education takes place both in and out of the classroom, which is why I hope to become involved in a variety of other school activities, broadening my experience. I plan to get involved in community service because I feel that building community builds character. I also hope to continue my tennis career. My love for tennis has sparked my interest in playing tennis on a collegiate level. I hope to find a team that is both competitive and supportive to help me grow as a player and as a person.

Learn more and apply for the Dr. Jill E. Hungerford Scholarship

“I may not know what I want to pursue but I want to pursue it with passion.”
Carolyn Kitsock