Bringing Tennis & Education Together to Change Lives

Looking for a summer job working with kids and tennis? Need community service hours for graduation? Apply to be an ACES Youth Coach!

Please complete this form:
Tennis ACES 2024 Youth Coach Application

  1. To be considered for an ACES coaching position, you must be able to commit to at least four full weeks out of the six weeks of ACES.
  2.  In order to be considered for an ACES coaching position, you must be able to attend the coaches workshop/training  June 8, 2024. Even if you have attended in years past, you are still required to attend.  Details can be found on the application above.
  3. In addition, as part of becoming an ACES coach,  you are required to volunteer time during one of Tennis Central’s summer events.  There are many different events and opportunities to choose from.
  4. The dates for ACES this year are June 17-July 26.  We will not have ACES on Thursday, July 4th.
  5. All ACES volunteers and coaches are required to register with Net Generation and  take a “Safe Play” online training as well as provide their 3 PA state-mandated clearances: Criminal Background Check, Child Abuse History Clearance, Federal Criminal History.
  6. Above you will find a link to the Tennis ACES 2024 Youth Coach Application.  Click on “Fill out Form.”  When your application is completed, click on “Submit.”

YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO ME NO LATER THAN APRIL 30TH for you to be considered for a counselor position.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! I look forward to a great summer and working with many of you!
Jody Wilson
Director of Education/ACES Program
PTR Certified Teaching Professional
Ephrata, PA
(717) 538-2400

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